Tuesday, December 22, 2009

merry christmas | granger, in baby photographer | jenny hoke photography

Baby says Merry Christmas to you! Say hello to our newest Baby Stepper! He is just the cutest thing! So cute, in fact, that I'm kicking myself that I didn't put the camera down and get a quick snuggle from him. Next time, for sure! This is his third appearance here at jennyhokephotography. See if you can find the other 2.

Thanks, guys. I can't wait to watch him grow this year. He's certainly a joy and a gift to be celebrated.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

beautiful faces | wakaruse family photography | jenny hoke photography

Remember these beautiful faces? Another one of my early families, last fall. It is so fun to see families again. These kids did a fantastic job! With the promise of chocolate we even got some great sibling shots where...wait for it...all 4 kiddos are looking at the camera...and SMILING! I personally love the not so perfect shots. They just ooze with personality and are definitely a glimpse of real life. But I know it makes Grandma happy when we get those perfect smiles.

With that, I'll wrap up jennyhokephotography sneak peeks for 2009. It has been an incredible year. I'm blessed beyond words by your support and friendship. I have loved spending time with your families and capturing YOU on (digital) film. Now crank up the Christmas tunes and have yourself a Merry little Christmas!
Monday, December 7, 2009

sweet baby blues | wakarusa baby photographer | jenny hoke photography

I would imagine that these eyes are going to spell trouble for momma someday. Who could say no to these sweet baby blues? I loved spending part of my day in this charming home. With this charming 9 month old. Merry Christmas Baby C!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

dapper | elkhart baby photographer | jenny hoke photography

Handsome, here, has been waiting patiently for his sneak peek since our session late last week. He (and his sweet mommy) was just a pleasure to visit with. It's always fun to see what 3 months can do for a newborn. Isn't he looking rather dapper in his cap? Love it!

Merry Christmas, little mister. You're, without a doubt, the best present under the tree this year!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

hush little baby | mishawaka baby photographer | jenny hoke photography

Oh, how precious! We met for her 3 month Baby Step and Little Miss was ready to sleep by the end of our session. I just love these sweet, sleepy shots. Before she got sleepy, we got this cute little grin. So I'd say...Mission Accomplished.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

dreamy baby | south bend, in baby photographer | jenny hoke photography

Isn't she darling? I haven't seen her since we did her 2 month portraits back in February! Remember Dreamy baby? This one has a beautiful smile that lights up her parents' world. The dimples and those two little teeth just make it complete. She even greeted me with that smile. But once I got out the camera...that's a different story. Good thing for us, she also smiles beautifully with her eyes!

Monday, November 30, 2009

boots |mishawaka baby and family photographer | jenny hoke photography

Say hello to this cutieface and her parents. Aren't they the cutest little family?! We're knee deep into the "reschedule" season of things. And I'm not loving it. I, for one, am not a fan of these gloomy, gloomy days. But it's always worth the wait...even if it's "3rd time's a charm. " Or 4th. Or 5th. And actually, I'm a glass half full gloomy days are okay...once in awhile...and if they don't fall on photo session days...AND it helps if I have a good magazine and a cozy blanket to snuggle under.

These little ones are just killing me with their boots and tights/leggings. I love it!

Thanks, family! It was wonderful to spend a chilly morning with you!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

bye-bye | elkhart baby photographer | jenny hoke photography

This Baby Step graduate is so stinkin' cute that it didn't even hurt my feelings when she began to wave "bye-bye" in the middle of the session. Her adorable little wave was meant to tell me that she was done and I could go ahead and leave. How smart is that?! She melts me with those darling dimples and those teeth! My goodness. Thanks for the fun this year!

Monday, November 23, 2009

red | nappanee child photographer | jenny hoke photography

Darling little girl in red. Doesn't she remind you of some storybook alpine princess? She was a perceptive and curious. I LOVE that my job enables me to spend time with these little friends!

fun&festive | south bend, in family photographer | jenny hoke photography

I was blessed with beautiful weather and a beautiful family on Saturday. These guys were a breeze to work with. Besides their gorgeous smiles, they were so cooperative and easy to work with. Even if Dad was giving me a hard time because we were moving furniture left and right. All in fun, though. All in fun!

just like daddy | goshen, in baby photographer | jenny hoke photography

Sweet as can be at 6 months old. Can't wait to see him again at 9 & 12 months.

lashes | lakeville,in baby photographer | jenny hoke photography

What a gal wouldn't give for lashes like these!? GORgeous! This special little fella belongs to my dear friend. And I loved the excuse to spend some time with her and her children. With Thanksgiving in a few short days, Melanie and this guy are high on my list of thanks-givings for this year. Hugs and blessings to you Mel!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

go irish! | elkhart, in baby photographer | jenny hoke photography

Love this little Irish fan! I met up with him and his family on Monday morning. In spite of the dreary day, we were able to get some really cute images. Wouldn't you say?! One of my favorites parts of my job, is getting to see my Baby Steppers every so often. The changes that they are making in that first year of life are truly amazing. I'm honored to witness (capture) those changes.

Monday, November 16, 2009

glow | mishawaka family photographer | jenny hoke photography

Kristin is always beautiful...inside and out. She is spills over with kindness and her thousand watt smile. But let me just tell you that she is positively glowing right now. That precious soul in her tummy is making herself known and these parents are in love. With each other and with baby. I can't wait to see them as parents. As a family of 3. Blessings to you as you prepare and wait for her arrival.

friends | south bend family photographer | jenny hoke photography

This family (beautiful, aren't they?) and the preceding 2 families are all great friends. I had sessions with all of them this weekend and then they were together on Saturday evening. I just thought that was funny. We scheduled them all separately and two of them as far back as July. So what a coincidence! I won't spend a lot of time with words...I know you are all excited to see the pictures! I will say thank you, I always love to see you guys! And Happy Birthday to this handsome one year old.