Monday, November 30, 2009

boots |mishawaka baby and family photographer | jenny hoke photography

Say hello to this cutieface and her parents. Aren't they the cutest little family?! We're knee deep into the "reschedule" season of things. And I'm not loving it. I, for one, am not a fan of these gloomy, gloomy days. But it's always worth the wait...even if it's "3rd time's a charm. " Or 4th. Or 5th. And actually, I'm a glass half full gloomy days are okay...once in awhile...and if they don't fall on photo session days...AND it helps if I have a good magazine and a cozy blanket to snuggle under.

These little ones are just killing me with their boots and tights/leggings. I love it!

Thanks, family! It was wonderful to spend a chilly morning with you!

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