Thursday, September 16, 2010

happy as the sun | south bend child photography

As I have playing while I work, I often catch a lyric and it makes me think of the pictures I'm working on. So there's the title to my blogpost. :)

These two cuties had me "happy as the sun" earlier this week. Just look at those darlin' faces. And the outfits?? Yes, please. Mom (and Nana) did a fabulous job. Now this session had potential of being a disaster. I'm talking a trip (face first) down a flight of stairs, coming out of the trail that we had just spent the last 45 minutes down and realizing my keys were no longer in my pocket sort of stuff. But you know what? It wasn't a disaster at all. It was perfect. I mean, it'd be hard to go wrong with these two sisters.

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