Monday, October 26, 2009

joy | northridge high school senior photographer

This senior certainly lives up to her name. As cheesy as it sounds, she was a complete "Joy" to work with! The camera loves her! And I'm in LOVE with the images we captured! In the midst of all of this crummy weather we've been having, we were blessed with a perfectly beautiful evening for our photo shoot.
Hey, Joy...if that nursing thing doesn't work out, you could always give modeling a try! Which reminds me, I need to clarify something with my senior here. To finish our conversation from last night...Yes, I did change my nursing major soon after arriving at college. But I did , indeed, graduate...just a few years later and with an elementary education degree. I, later, thought that it may have sounded like I was just done with college when I was done with nursing. Stay in school! Get that college education!

Doesn't she look like Nikki Taylor, the supermodel from awhile back? Or Lauren Conrad from The Hills? Thanks for a fun shoot, Joy!


  1. Photos look great. I can't wait to see the remaining photos.

    Dan Pinckert

  2. Thank you, Dan! Joy was wonderful to work with!
